
Lead and coordinate work with young people, families, local employers, schools, colleges and support agencies in order to secure supported employment opportunities and outcomes for our young people with Special educational needs and disabilities in Somerset. Level 6 trained, impartial and independent specialist careers advice and guidance. Working with a vast number of young people and families, providing careers advice and guidance, developing careers opportunities, delivering workshops and raising aspirations in specialist schools, alternative provision, colleges and the like. Providing young people with opportunities and choice to have their best life and reach their full potential.

Who We Support

Young People across Somerset with a support need.

How We Can Help

Somerset Supported Employment Coordination

We support:

  • young people to reach their full potential
  • families to understand, navigate and support their young person into supported employment
  • to ensuring that young people are being given the foundations to develop employability skills through educational delivery in special, mainstream and FE sectors
  • in setting up and management of Supported Internship programmes, working alongside our education providers, supported employment agencies and employers across the county
  • promote and raise awareness of Supported Employment routes
  • develop a range of programmes across key employment sectors and geographical areas, so that all young people have access to provision within a reasonable distance from home Careers Advice and Guidance
  • young people to play a part in their future
  • by meeting with young people on a one-to-one or in small groups basis to discuss their next steps and future options
  • them to have space and time to explore their hopes and aspirations
  • identify any skills gaps and how to build skills
  • on how to source relevant training courses or qualifications
  • identify and consider the range of choices available to them and outline possible ways forward
  • research careers, options and support organisations to meet needs
  • to develop their own employability skills
  • to provide advice on routes to gaining employment
  • to refer to other agencies for advice where appropriate
  • understanding the current job market
  • the creation of a comprehensive careers plan
How to Access Support

We can meet with you online, over the phone or in person. Based in South Somerset but covering the whole of Somerset. Please email to make initial contact.

Centre information