What are Community Action Groups

Community Action Groups Somerset is a support organisation for local community groups that are involved in initiatives which have a positive impact on waste, even if that is not their primary function. Team provide free practical support to help groups develop and achieve their aims.

Local community groups can sign up to the Community Action Group Network to obtain the free support and advice. Members of the network engage in activities that contribute to shared environmental and social goals.

Local members of CAG Somerset network include community repair and reuse groups which help extend the life of our stuff, and food pantries and community fridges which help divert surplus food to reduce food waste. CAG Somerset is eager to help more community groups in their waste action aims.

What does Community Action Groups Somerset do

The Community Action Groups Somerset network is backed by Somerset Council and SUEZ who fund this project which is managed by Resource Futures.

Community Action Groups Somerset aims to make a significant impact on reducing waste in Somerset, focusing on reuse, repair, waste reduction, sharing, surplus food and composting.

The CAG Somerset team welcomes new members within the Somerset Council area and it’s free to join the network.

CAG Somerset provides their members with practical support and advice, including:

  • Advice, support and mentoring
  • Free training, resources, skills-sharing
  • Support with basic governance
  • Operational support e.g. risk assessment support
  • Access to apply for grant funding
  • Insurance support, discounts and grants
  • Fundraising support
  • Support with measuring impact

Community Action Groups Somerset latest news

More information can be found on Community Action Groups Somerset website. Including updates via their blog.

Follow them on social media:

Last reviewed: May 7, 2024 by Ian

Next review due: November 7, 2024

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