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Invasive plants

Invasive or injurious weeds are best controlled and contained within your garden


Invasive or injurious weeds are best controlled and contained within your garden.

Do not add them to a garden waste bin or sack. Read about what is and is not taken in garden waste collections.

You can take small quantities of invasive or injurious weeds from household sources to recycling sites, using heavy-duty bags to transport weeds, and sealed bags to transport Common Ragwort.

You must tell recycling site staff that you have these types of weeds so they can direct you to the energy-from-waste skip.


Ragwort is a toxic plant and precautions must be taken when handling both live and dead plants. You should wear sturdy waterproof gardening-type gloves, a facemask and coverings on arms and legs.

If ragwort comes into contact with bare skin, you should thoroughly wash the area in warm soapy water, then rinse and dry thoroughly.

Where you find ragwort on highway verges, this should not be taken to a recycling site.

Please inform Somerset Highways if you find it on local roads or National Highways for a motorway or trunk road. Please see the DEFRA guidance document on identifying Common Ragwort and other injurious weeds below.

Japanese Knotweed

Japanese Knotweed is a foreign species introduced to the UK. It is invasive and spreads very quickly. Please see the GOV.UK website for advice on identification, control, safe removal and disposal of Japanese Knotweed.

Chalara dieback of ash trees

Do not bring infected leaves or branches of ash trees affected by Chalara Dieback to our recycling sites.

The Forestry Commission advises that householders should not put out green waste suspected of being affected by Chalara but deal with it within the grounds of their own premises, in all but exceptional cases.

For more information, visit Forestry Commission on ash dieback and Forestry Commission on other tree pests and diseases.

Last updated: February 13, 2025

Next review due: August 13, 2025

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