
What is Adult Social Care?

Adult social care is help for adults who need extra support because they have disabilities, mental health problems, or are getting older. This help can include things like eating, washing, dressing, and doing household chores.

Here are some types of care and support:

  • Personal care – Help with washing, dressing, and eating.
  • Domestic support – Help with cleaning and shopping.
  • Community support –  Activities to keep people active and involved in their community.
  • Residential care –  Living in a care home where people look after you.
  • Reablement services – Short-term help to get better after being sick or in the hospital.

Care can be given by professional carers or by family and friends.

If you have a care need that significantly affects your wellbeing, someone from our Adult Social Care Team can talk with you. When you talk to the team you can include the people who matter to you. We will explore lots of different ways that might help you. This is called a Care and Support Assessment.

We follow the rules as set out in the Care Act 2014 which came into force in April 2015. The Care Act brings together lots of Government Acts that were written between 1948 and 2014 into one document. It has revised some areas, making them clearer, and introduced new requirements. You can find more information on our Welcome to Social Care Information sheet.

Where to go for information and advice

Connect Somerset

We support you to find solutions in your community to keep you independent for longer. We work with you and our partners in the health service and community organisations to provide really useful information and advice so you can get on with your life.

We call this Connect Somerset. You can:

  • get information and advice quickly
  • get the support you need to stay independent
  • get help to find out about what is happening in your community and to meet new people
  • find out about volunteering opportunities
  • find out about equipment to support you to live at home
  • get advice and support with your caring role – if you are a carer

Talking Café

Chat  to a social worker, a volunteer or community agent at a Talking Café. You can find all the dates and venues here. The team at the Talking Café can help with everything, from finding a local social group and support with money, to help with transport or support for carers.

Independent Living Centres

Visit the Independent Living Centres for advice about equipment. You can speak to someone about your options and ‘try before you buy’. To make an appointment, email

Ask us a question about Social Care

This form has 1 page and will take approximately 1 to 2 minutes to complete.

Email us at to arrange to speak to someone about what matters to you and what is available to support you.

You can follow any of the links in our Care and support for adults page to read more detailed information about Adult Social Care support.

Understanding and being heard

Advocacy is when someone independent helps another person to understand what they are being told and supports them to make sure their opinions are heard.

Understanding the care and support system can often be daunting, especially if you have no one you can talk things through with. Our staff will always try and help you themselves. But by talking with an advocate, they may be able to cover – and perhaps explain in better ways – some of the complex processes and possibilities for you.

You can find out more on the Connect Somerset – making decisions page.

Independent advocacy service

If we think you would benefit from the support that an advocate can provide, and you have no one else available to you who can do this, such as a family member or friend, we will ask an advocate to become involved.

In Somerset, our independent advocacy service is provided by Swan Advocacy.

Swan Advocacy contact details

Address: Somerset Office, Hi-point, Thomas Street, Taunton, TA2 6HB
Phone: 0333 344 7928

Last updated: November 11, 2024

Next review due: May 11, 2025

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