It is essential that we always have an accurate view of how our services are perceived by our stakeholders. Understanding this view will enable us to continually review and improve our services as well as being able to accurately report on our effectiveness to partners.
Over time the feedback form will be available publicly, but we need to ensure we have consistent use of the form and a clear set of protocols around it before it is readily available for the public to use at their will.
Who can use the form?
All employees within inclusion Somerset services can send the form link to stakeholders with whom they have engaged in a piece of work. This could include a wide range of activity from a conversation to undertaking an assessment or full statutory process.
The form can be sent to any stakeholders including parents, school staff, Multi Academy Trusts, charities, nursery staff.
When to use the form
The form can be used after any activity with a stakeholder – regardless of how the individual employee perceives the effectiveness of the activity. It is at least if not more important for us to understand when things have not gone well as it is when they have – only then do we improve.
How to distribute
The form should always be completed by the recipient of the activity. It is not appropriate for an Inclusion Service employee to complete the form with the stakeholder, or for the stakeholder but can complete the form whilst in contact with the recipient i.e. whilst still in a call. Each service manager will need to agree with their own team, how to distribute the form / QR code and ensure it is completed as frequently as possible.
The feedback form link and / or QR code can be shared in an email, on the screen in a meeting or provided verbally but must be shared following activity with a team.
Link to the form
PNG file to insert in emails or presentations.
The form data will be analysed by the Inclusion Transformation team with outcomes shared with the SEND Partnership board and ILT. If concerns are raised through the form these will be fed back to managers within that team.
This protocol will be reviewed by the Inclusion Transformation Board initially every 3 months.