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All results (284)

Celebrating the Supported Employment community at the Imagine the Possibilities Awards 2024!

July 24, 2024


The winners of the Imagine the Possibilities Awards 2024 were revealed at an awards celebration event held at Yeovil College. The awards recognised the fantastic employers who are harnessing the power of Supported Employment to benefit their businesses – and…

Connect Somerset Champions

July 24, 2024


Connect Somerset is a partnership between Somerset Council, Somerset NHS, Voluntary, Community, Faith and Social Enterprises, and Schools, Colleges and Early Years settings and is about professionals and community groups working together to help families and residents to get the…

Fiveways School – Awarded Centre of Excellence Status for MOVE Programme and 19th year of Outstanding Ofsted!

July 24, 2024


Fiveways School, a local authority (LA) maintained special school, has achieved Centre of Excellence status for its outstanding MOVE (Movement Opportunities via Education) programme. This recognition makes Fiveways the first school in the South-West to receive this prestigious award! The…

Unstoppables Update July

July 24, 2024


Our July meeting was spent at the SPCF/CIAT joint hosted family fun day, which was held at Brookside Academy. Members of Unstoppables wanted to base this around our ‘School Avoidance’ priority. They then planned our engagement session and decided that…

July’s Youth Parliament meeting!

July 24, 2024


The July Somerset Youth Parliament meeting was a packed session, where the advisory group looked at a whole host of different topics and welcomed some new members. Member of Youth Parliament (MYP), Emma Brown recounts what happened during the meeting.…

CIA Team’s inclusive activities calendar for the Summer Holidays

July 24, 2024


Please find the Community Inclusion and Activity Team’s (CIA) inclusive activities calendar for the Summer Holidays here, which is full of fun activities for children and young people who have a disability and/or additional need. Activities include surfing, skiing, exploring…

Keeping up to date with Somerset’s SEND Local Offer

July 24, 2024


Your regular bitesize update for new or updated information, services for professionals supporting children and young people aged 0-25 years old with additional needs in Somerset, and their families. So what was new during July? Autism and ADHD Pathway has had several updates.…

Somerset Parent Carer Forum – exciting updates

July 24, 2024


As we approach the summer the holidays, we would like to wish all our families a lovely summer break. We will be taking some time off to spend with our own families but wanted to give you a quick update…

Josh’s Update: Exam Results and Student Finance

July 24, 2024


Our Deputy Member of Youth Parliament Josh Lancaster has recently finished his exams and is looking forward to going to university in September. But, this whole period leading up to university can be incredibly stressful. From waiting to find out…

Young readers challenged to become Marvellous Makers!

July 24, 2024


Somerset libraries are calling for children to sign up to read six books this summer as part of the Summer Reading Challenge 2024. The long summer holiday is the ideal chance for children aged 4-11 to visit their local Somerset Library to…

Inclusive Summer Activities for Families in Somerset

July 24, 2024


Get Active Together seeks to provide families in Somerset with opportunities to engage in physical activities collectively, fostering shared experiences and enjoyment among both disabled and non-disabled siblings. During the upcoming summer holidays, the activities listed below will be available.…

Support for children and young people to understand their feelings and Mental Health

July 24, 2024


We want to know what has helped children and young people with understanding their feelings and mental health. CAMHS, Healthwatch, NHS Somerset ICB, Somerset Council, Somerset Parent Carer Forum and Spark have worked together to create this survey to get…

MMR Vaccine – before summer travel

July 24, 2024


Measles rates have increased in the UK, including in Somerset in the last year. The cases are in unvaccinated children, some associated with European travel. Measles can be a very unpleasant illness. In some children it can be very serious…

SCIL Education and Development Foundation Degree with Specialist Pathways programme

July 24, 2024


A new, flexible degree is perfect for people interested in or currently working with children as a teaching assistant, special needs assistant, cover supervisor, Higher Level Teaching Assistant or outdoor learning practitioner. Closing date 12 August. Looking for a career…

Young Carers in Schools Award Somerset – Free Training for Schools

July 24, 2024


A young carer is an individual under the age of 18 who provides care for a family member, relative, or friend. These young carers often assist someone with a disability, illness, mental health condition, or drug and alcohol problems. Their…

SEND Consultations during the summer holidays

July 24, 2024


In previous years we’ve undertaken a revised approach to consulting with settings over the summer break with consultations only being sent on a Monday, to support SENCOs and Headteachers with responding to consultations in a more coordinated way. This approach…

New from Autumn 2024: The National Professional Qualification for SENCOs.

July 24, 2024


The new National Professional Qualification for SENCOs, is replacing the NASENCO qualification. The NPQ for SENCOs is mandatory from September 2024 for named SENCOs and new SENCOs will need to complete this qualification within the first three years in the…

Suicide Prevention Strategy Consultation

July 24, 2024


The Somerset Suicide Prevention Partnership has developed a new draft Suicide Prevention Strategy for Somerset. The suicide prevention partnership is a multi-agency forum with representation from the local Integrated Care Board (NHS Somerset), Somerset Foundation Trust, Public Health and voluntary…

Staying Safe in Summer

July 24, 2024


As Summer approaches, we look forward to travelling, taking holidays, attending events and enjoying more time outdoors. There are some simple things we can all do to stay safe throughout summer and to keep illness at bay as we enjoy…

Welcome from Julia Ridge – Head of Vulnerable Learners

June 26, 2024


Welcome to the June issue of SEND News. My name is Julia Ridge and I have been Head of Vulnerable Learners since January 2023. ‘Vulnerable children/learners’ is a term that you may hear often in any education setting. The No…