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The Museum of Somerset / Taunton Castle (12th century.) The site includes a small reconstructed Alms House and Castle House which contains the Tudor Room.

Location information

Type of Location


Address details

Property address Museum of Somerset, Castle Green, Taunton TA1 4AA, UK
County Somerset
What Three Words owner.adopt.hunter
Approx travel time from Bristol 1 hour 20 minutes
Approx travel time from London 3 hours 30 minutes

Property details

Property status Operational
Access Archway into courtyard height and width restriction.
Access restrictions Open to the public Tues – Sat as a museum. Castle House is a holiday let.
Noise In the town centre, pubs and clubs nearby. No passing traffic.
Parking No on site parking. The museum sits within a pedestrian square.
Parking detail Public car parks near by - Tangier and the Crescent. Parking permission ( event license) granted from Somerset Council for Castle Green. Small vehicle parking in courtyard.

Film location

Address Museum of Somerset, Castle Green, Taunton TA1 4AA, UK