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What we do with the information you give us when you use our Licensing team for objecting to applications across all licensing regimes

Your RightsPrivacy Notice

Your Rights

You have specific rights in relation to the data that you provide to the Council. To find out more, including how to make a request, please see our Information Rights page.

Privacy Notice

Services covered by this privacy notice: Licensing – Objecting to applications across all licensing regimes

Purpose of the Processing:

The personal data you provide is used to enable the council to process applications and consider objections against them, and to share that information where appropriate.

(If you provide personal data of a third party you must ensure that they understand the use of their data and this privacy notice)

Legal Basis for Processing Personal Data:

Legal obligation
Public Task

Categories of Personal Data being Processed

  • Name (trading name may also contain personal data)
  • Address (business address may be your home address)
  • Email address
  • Phone numbers
  • Signatures

Special Categories of Personal Data being Processed (if appropriate): Not applicable

Legal Basis for Processing Special Categories of Personal Data: Not applicable

Who the data might be shared with

We may share personal data with the following:

  • The applicant(s) for the relevant application being processed.
  • The public through the published minutes of a meeting and media coverage of a hearing.
  • Councillors of the Licensing Board sitting on a subcommittee hearing an application to be considered by them.
  • Other council departments – where committee papers are produced and circulated and where they act as a consultee.
  • Police, Trading Standards, Fire and Rescue Services and any other statutory consultees to an application.
  • Other Local Authorities – for example where an application covers 2 Licensing Authorities
  • HM Courts and Tribunal Service – on appeal of decisions

How Long Will the Data be Kept For

6 years from the point the licence is expired, revoked or surrendered.

Last reviewed: February 8, 2024 by Ian

Next review due: August 8, 2024

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