Affordable Housing Needs Surveys

The council carries out housing needs assessments in partnership with and on behalf of Parish Councils, to determine if there is a rural housing need and to gain a better understanding of the immediate and future parish needs.

Through these surveys, we can also understand parishioners’ opinions on potential future housing and identify other issues of importance or concern.

We ask a series of questions about the current living situation, income and local connections to help identify housing needs in the Parish. The data gathered can also help inform future affordable housing in the area including; the tenure type i.e. rented or shared ownership and housing size this helps ensure that affordable housing meets local needs and requirements as much as possible.

Published Housing Needs Survey Reports are available below, containing the analysis and summary of the data gathered. Any personal details gathered through the survey process have been kept strictly confidential.

Last reviewed: July 11, 2024 by Neil

Next review due: January 11, 2025

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