51% of parents say Christmas is a stressful time. Stress can lead to conflict, and with 13% of children in Somerset likely to live in families where parents struggle with unhealthy conflict, every little bit of help can make an impact over this Christmas period.

Unhealthy conflict between parents, whether living together or apart, can have a negative impact on the mental and physical health of both children and parents.

Any parent carer in Somerset can access new, free online courses at a time to suit them by going to:  www.oneplusone.org.uk/parents.

The online courses are:

  1. Me, You and Baby Too is for new parents who can struggle with tiredness and stress which can lead to misunderstandings. This course can help improve communication skills and manage conflict.
  2. Arguing Better helps parents understand how to argue in a constructive way that can make all the difference in any relationship.
  3. Getting it Right for Children is for separated/separating parents as it is easy for children to get caught in the middle of their disagreements. This is to help parents parent their children cooperatively after parting.

If you would like to know more about these courses, please email strongerfamilies@somerset.gov.uk 

Man and boy sitting on a bench talking

About this article

December 20, 2023

Molly Venn