For Support & Guidance from Somerset’s Virtual School for Children Looked After and Previously Looked After

• Inclusion Advice Line for CYP specific queries 0300 123 2224 – access to a Virtual School Advisory Teacher Monday – Friday, during termtime.
• ‘What to do if…’ documents on the VS website – roles and responsibilities for education settings, Children’s Social Care and the Virtual School in relation to         key issues such as attendance and suspension.
• Somerset Virtual School inbox for general queries about the VS and the electronic Personal Education Plan (ePEP): thevirtualschool@somerset;
• Technical support for the ePEP e.g. accessing the site, issues with the electronic interface – Welfare Call (ePEP platform) 01226 716333l.
• Annual Designated Teachers’ Conference -09/07/2024– online 2.00 – 4.30
• New to the Role of Designated Teacher training twice annually – next opportunity 14/05/24, 9.00 – 4.00, Long Sutton Golf Course – Booking via SSE essential.
• Dedicated Previously Looked After Children (PLAC) inbox for PLAC queries
• Annual Previously Looked After Conference

Do keep in touch with us and help us to help you supporting the education of Somerset’s Looked After and Previously Looked After Children.

Who is the IAL for?

SENCOS and other school or setting professionals.

How does it work?

When you call the 0300 123 2224, please ensure you say ‘Inclusion Advice Line’ when prompted, so you are routed through to the Inclusion Advice Line.
You will be asked a series of questions by our advisors, so please allow time for this, and provide as much information as possible so we can best support.

Specific Child query’s-

If you are calling about a specific child or young person and would like advice and support, please ensure you have to hand their name, DOB and all the relevant information in relation to your query or concern. You will be asked to provide brief details about the current situation, and what has already been done, particularly with regards to the Somerset Graduated Response Tool, and any involvements or advice from external professionals.
We aim to provide the support and guidance you need at the point of the call, but for more complex queries and concerns, we may forward it on to our Specialist Advisor where it will be triaged, and you will be contacted about possible support. This may include a call back from an advisory teacher for a more in-depth discussion and plan for next steps.


We have a voicemail facility to try to ensure that we never miss a query. Our advisers may be on another call so If your call goes to voicemail please leave a message with a brief outline of the reason for your call, a name and date of birth of the young person (if your call relates to a specific child). Please also leave us your number, an email address and when you will be available, and an advisor will get back to you ASAP.

We are always looking to improve this service and or feedback what has worked well.
If you have called the Inclusion advice line and would like to feedback your experience please click here

Person using a mobile phone

About this article

April 24, 2024

Samantha Baker