What is the Inclusion Advice Line?
The Inclusion Advice Line (IAL) is to there to help with any queries or concerns in relation to SEND, Children Looked After, or school attendance. They can be general queries and concerns, or specific to a child or young person.

Who is the IAL for?
SENCOS and other school or setting professionals.

How does it work?
When you call the 0300 123 2224, please ensure you say ‘Inclusion Advice Line’ when prompted, so you are routed through to the Inclusion Advice Line.

You will be asked a series of questions by our advisors, so please allow time for this, and provide as much information as possible so we can best support you. If you are calling about a specific child or young person, please ensure you have their name, date of birth, and all the relevant information. You will be asked to provide brief details about the current situation, and what has already been done, particularly with regards to the Somerset Graduated Response Tool, and any involvements or advice from external professionals.

We aim to provide the support and guidance you need at the point of the call. For more complex queries and concerns, we may forward it on to our Specialist Advisor or our Inclusion Advisory Teachers for a call back, where a more in-depth discussion can happen and an agreed plan for next steps.

We endeavour to answers all calls without delay but there are times when we experience exceptionally high volumes of calls. If this is the case please stay on the line until an advisor becomes available or alternatively, please leave a message on our Voicemail with the reason for your call, a name and date of birth if your call relates to a specific child. Please also leave us your number, an email address and when you will be available, and an advisor will get back to you.

The Inclusion Advice line number is 0300 123 2224.

Person using a mobile phone

About this article

January 25, 2024

Molly Venn