Mental Health Awareness Week 2024 will take place from 13 to 19 May and this year’s theme is “Movement: Moving More for our Mental Health.”​

Somerset Council’s Public Health team in partnership with Somerset Activity and Sports Partnership (SASP) are encouraging businesses and communities to take part and support the campaign to tackle stigma and get people talking about mental health.

Public Health’s ‘Healthy Somerset’ website has a page dedicated to the campaign which includes information and resources to help people make moments for movement in their daily routine, whether by going for a walk during lunch breaks, dancing to music, chair exercises or stretching whilst watching the tv – it all counts.

The Public Health are calling for members of the public to share how they move for their mental health, by tagging @SomersetCouncil in their social media posts and including the hashtag #MHAWSomerset.

Somerset has seen an increase in the number of adults who have been diagnosed with depression, rising to 15.4%.  Research has consistently found that being physically active has a significant, positive impact on mental health and overall wellbeing.  Regular movement has been found to reduce stress, increase energy levels, improve mood, boost self-esteem, and enhance overall brain function.

Councillor Adam Dance, Lead Member for Public Health, Equalities and Diversity at Somerset Council said:

Many of us struggle to incorporate enough movement into our busy daily lives. This year we want to help you find ‘moments for movement’ in your daily routines.

Even the smallest acts of movement has huge potential to enhance our mental wellbeing – if you would like to get moving more, join us in this campaign and see how simple it can be whilst reaping the benefits! The webpage is packed with some great information, resources, and videos to help inspire you and get you moving.”

Jane Knowles, CEO of SASP said:

You’ll never regret finding a moment to move more in ways that suit you, particularly if it’s outside where the mental health benefits are amplified. We know the amazing benefits adding movement into each and everyday brings, so how are you going to make this week count for you?”

If you are struggling with your mental health, please reach out for help and remember you are not alone.

Call Mindline – Somerset’s Emotional Support and Mental Health Helpline on freephone 0800 138 1692 or local 01823 276 892, open 24/7 or you can use the webchat service on the Mind or Open Mental Health website between 8pm and 11pm every day.

Alternatively, you can get in contact via

About this article

May 10, 2024

Rosie Bennetts

Press Release

Public Health