Somerset Council is delivering an essential repair scheme later this month in Bishops Lydeard.

The Council’s contractor Karesa Construction is repairing and rebuilding sections of retaining wall along Cothelstone Road.
It will mean a 24/7 road closure needs to be in place from 22 January for about 10 weeks.

Access will be maintained throughout for homes and businesses in the immediate area of the works, and a diversion will be in place for road users. Visit our interactive map here for more details on the location and diversion route.

Somerset Council and Karesa Construction along with the structural engineers appointed to manage the works, Fairhurst, are holding a public drop-in next Wednesday 10 January from 4-6pm in Bishops Lydeard Village Hall. The public can meet the team, see the plans and raise any concerns they may have about access in the immediate area.

Councillor Richard Wilkins, Somerset Council’s Lead Member for Transport and Digital said: “This work needs to be done, we appreciate this will be disruptive for residents and road users and our contractor will do their best to minimise this.

“We’d encourage local people to come along to the drop-in and raise any queries they may have regarding the work or access while it’s being carried out.”

The key work being carried out is:

• From Pound Lane along the existing masonry wall, masonry repairs are being completed.
• Across from Delta Rise a new retaining wall is being constructed, including a drainage system.
• The work means a closure is in place on Cothelstone Road in the area of Delta Rise and Pound Lane from 22 January to approximately 29 March.

Traffic cones with 'diversion' and 'road ahead closed' signs on a road.

About this article

January 5, 2024

Andrew Doyle
