An invitation for SENCOs and SEND leads to attend a listening event to gather feedback about the delivery of the provision specified in Education Health and Care plans.
As part of the improvement work following the joint Ofsted and CQC local area SEND re-inspection held in November 2022 the LA are looking to develop its assurance and confidence that provision which is specified within a child/young person’s Education Health and Care plan is being delivered.
Following the completion of listening events with families in the autumn term to gather parent/carers feedback about the delivery of provision specified in EHC plans we are now holding listening events for SENCOs and SEND Leads to attend.
There are 2 sessions arranged which SENCOs and SEND Leads are invited to attend:
- Monday 29th January at 12:30pm – 1:30pm via Microsoft Teams
- Thursday 1st February at 4:00pm – 5:00pm via Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams links have been sent to SENCOs. If you haven’t received a link but would like to attend, please email
Within the session there will be an overview of the purpose of the session, but the majority of the time will be for you to provide your feedback about the delivery of provision specified in EHC plans and how the LA and educational settings can work more closely to ensure children and young people get the support legally identified in their EHC plan and to support children and young people to make progress and reach their aspirations.
If you have any questions, please contact the Statutory SEND Team via the Inclusion Advice Line 0300 123 2224 or