It is important that every child and young person knows what activities and support are available in Somerset. The My Important Stuff document gives children and young people a way to keep and share significant information with key people in their life. This includes people, groups and organisations that can support them. It is a fantastic resource that empowers children and young people to keep track of their resources and support networks.

It can be downloaded at My Important Stuff ( or call the Contact Centre on 0300 123 2224 – who will print off a document and have it posted.

My Important Stuff was first developed by Harry Tavare, a Young Person’s Champion, in 2016. Harry consulted with young people, parent carers and practitioners while creating ‘My Important Stuff’ to make sure it was fully co-produced and user-friendly.  The name ‘My Important Stuff’ was chosen by young people.

In 2023, Alice Crockett, a Young Person’s Champion, worked with The Unstoppables in 2023 to improve it. There are now descriptions of what services are rather than expecting young people to guess from the name, and it is now more colourful with pictures and space to doodle, to make it appealing to use.

If you would like to email us with your thoughts about using the ‘My Important Stuff’ document you can email

About this article

November 23, 2023

Molly Venn