Our SEND Young Persons Champion has written about the youth event see details below 😊

On August 6th it was the youth event where young people came to meet and do some important work. The Youth groups that attended was Unstoppables, Youth Forum, SiCC SLCC and Youth Parliament.


Fi explained what the day will be about and then the group introduce themselves. They said their names, age, pronouns, who they are representing and what they would like out of the day.

Moving into adulthood

The day was packed with interesting games where young people got the chance to talk to new people and answer some questions.  The first piece of work was a game created by Paul, it was called moving into adulthood this was a question-based board game that was made accessible to all, it was large and stuck to the floor. Some of the questions were, ‘you’ve moved into your new home, what arrangements do you need to set up as soon as possible?’ then the question followed with a choice of answers, these were, ‘A: organising a budget, B: paying your bills etc’.  This game helps give young people a fun way to learn about the future of independence.

The great debate

The other activities were continuum and the great debate, these were led by Kate. These activities gave the young people the chance to discuss in groups about the topics. The statement was, ‘Parent carers should monitor their teenager’s social media.’  One group was for and the other was against, the groups discussed and came up with points. Then they had a debate on why they thought they were right. It was a great learning experience for everyone.

The end of the day was celebrated with goodie bags and certificates.

Our next meeting is Saturday 7th October 2023. If you or someone you know would like to be a member of the Unstoppables then follow the link to our new form Expression of Interest to join the The Unstoppables (office.com) 😊

Similarly, If you or a young person you know wants more information about how they can join the Unstoppables, or be part of our work they/you can contact us via email (SENDParticipationTeam@somerset.gov.uk) or via phone/What’s App (07976 809 773).

You can also follow us on social media:

Facebook @sendparticipationteam

Instagram @sendparticipation

To follow information about all youth voice activities across Somerset follow:

Facebook @SomersetYouthVoice

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About this article

September 21, 2023

Samantha Baker