Hello everyone and happy new year!

Welcome to this edition of SEND News. Engagement and working with children and young people with SEND and their families is one of the most important things that we can do to improve people’s opportunities and experiences. In this edition we have an update from the Unstoppables – a group of extraordinary and brilliant young people who help ensure that the voices of young people with SEND in Somerset are heard. What they say and do makes a difference, and they are looking for more children and young people with SEND (age 13-25) to join them. Please do take a look and share the information below as it is a great opportunity for people to connect, be included and make a difference.

2023 is going to be a busy year with plenty going on in relation to SEND in Somerset. We have just completed a period of consultation on our new SEND Strategy for the next three years. After we have reviewed all the feedback, we will be publishing a final version in the Spring. We want people to be able to find their way through life to what they want to do without having to fight their way. The strategy will set out the steps that we need to take to help make this happen. It’s about getting the right support in school, college and in the early years, having the right information, being listened to, and everyone being ambitious for all children and young people. We will keep you updated on the strategy and what is happening over the course of the next year.

Best wishes,


Dr Rob Hart

Assistant Director – Inclusion

Somerset County Council 

Rob Hart photograph

About this article

January 9, 2023
