Complain about an Early Years or childcare provider
Early years and childcare

All early years settings (including childminders) must have a complaints procedure

Early Years contact information
Early years and childcareRepresentation and communication with providers

Helpful local authority contact information for providers working in Early Years.

Promoting equality and diversity in Early Years

English as an Additional Language, racial incidents and Special Educational Needs

Early Years Partnership
Early years and childcareRepresentation and communication with providers

A consultative group discussing strategic issues and financial matters relating to Early Years

Early Years Communities
Early years and childcareRepresentation and communication with providers

We have developed 11 Early Years Communities across the county to support practitioners who deliver the Early Years Foundation Stage

Early Years pupil premium information for providers
Early years and childcareFunding and entitlement information for providers

Information on the pupil premium and qualifying criteria

Early Help
About the Local OfferEarly Help

Early help is all about providing help to families who find that they’re struggling

Somerset’s Graduated Response Tool
Somerset's SEND Local OfferEducation

The purpose of this tool is to ensure every child and young person in a Somerset school receives the support they are entitled to

The Assess, Plan, Do, Review Cycle

Progress should be monitored at every stage of the graduated response process

Supporting tools, documents and signposting

Where to find more information and support including further training