Apply for a highways land charge search

We hold information about the status and extent of the highways in Somerset

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We are the highway authority for the districts in Somerset and hold information about the status and extent of the highways in Somerset.

To fulfil the access requirements set out in the Communities and Local Government’s Good Practice Guidance for Local Authorities and Personal Searchers, we provide a collated response to relevant CON 29 enquiries that we can answer.


Before submitting an enquiry please read the Access to information required for a local enquiries search – information note which lists the information available.

Solicitors and personal search companies can submit a highways only search directly to us.

To apply, fill in the Land Charges – Search Enquiries Form. Applications are processed under the Environmental Information Regulations 2004.

The fees are detailed in the application form.

We aim to return search enquiries within 20 working days. You can get a faster search using an official search from the council.

Last updated: July 17, 2024

Next review due: January 17, 2025

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