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Consultation report and responses to the Draft Supplementary Planning Document

Supplementary Planning Document

Supplementary Planning Document

The Mendip area Local Plan Part 1 includes Policy DP7 – Design and amenity of new development. The policy makes it clear that a development should be well designed. Developments should be useable, durable, adaptable, sustainable and attractive.

The Supplementary Planning Document aims to help applicants demonstrate how their proposal meets the requirements of DP7. This includes making sure that resource efficiency, sustainable construction and renewable energy have been included.

Consultation was carried out on the draft Supplementary Planning Document between 14 January 2022 and 11 February 2022.

DP7 – Supplementary planning document – consultation report [166.12KB]

The responses received are here: Draft supplementary planning document responses

Last reviewed: July 4, 2024 by Jenny

Next review due: January 4, 2025

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