Validation of Applications

We currently have a backlog within our Planning North Support Team at the registration and validation stage due to staff sickness. Our focus is on validating Planning Applications, this means that Pre-Applications and Discharge of Conditions requests may experience delays.

We are working hard to resolve this backlog by utilising validation staff from other Somerset Council Planning Teams.

If you need to reach the Planning North Support Team, please be aware that call backs and replies to emails may be delayed. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to get everything back on track.

In other areas of the Council we are also experiencing some delays in validating applications. This is largely as a result of the volume of Biodiversity Net Gain applications being received and availability of staff and we are in the process of recruiting to address this issue.

Development Management update

We have issued in the first quarter 2024-2025:

  • North: 261 cases
  • East: 297 cases
  • South: 344 cases
  • West: 241 cases
  • Minerals and Waste: 3 cases

The work on hand is reducing but we know that there are still delays particularly in the South area. This is resulting in a change of approach.

Applications that are not currently being proactively progressed by an allocated officer will be put into a holding area. We have two new staff joining shortly and they will be tasked with picking up these cases in date order and moving them through to completion. This will enable officers to operate with more realistic case loads.

Please bear with us during this time as we work towards a more stable service.

Active or recent applications

If you have submitted or are involved with a current application and you are the applicant, agent or a statutory consultee, you will get a reply to any emails you send us. You can expect to hear back from us within 10 working days.

For interested parties, please note we do not correspond about planning cases, but you can comment on a case directly through our website.

To submit or view planning comments, use our online planning system. You can find out how to access this system on our View and comment on a planning application page. Make sure you have the relevant planning application reference handy.

Advice on new planning proposals

If you are considering a planning proposal and need advice, you can find guidance on our Pre-application advice page. We offer basic information on whether you need planning permission and more detailed advice, including fees and documents you should include.

Advice on the validation process or checklist

Validation is a step where we check that all the necessary documents and fees (if needed) are included with your application. If an applicant or agent submits an application where there are missing documents or mistakes, it will not be considered valid. We will let you know what is missing or needs correcting to proceed.

We have put together a Validation Checklist that outlines all the requirements for a valid application. You can find this checklist on our Information requirements for planning applications page.

General planning enquiries

For general planning enquiries, our Planning Technicians will provide limited guidance and direct you to further advice if needed.


We are currently receiving a lot of enforcement enquiries, so there might be some delays in our investigation process. We will manage these enquiries based on the priority levels outlined in our Enforcement Policy.

For more information, please see our Planning Enforcement Policy page.

Last updated: September 6, 2024

Next review due: March 6, 2025

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