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The first stage of the Local Plan Review 2040 was the Issues and Options document

Somerset West and Taunton Local Plan 2040 Review

Somerset West and Taunton Local Plan 2040 Review

Somerset West and Taunton Council had made some progress on their Local Plan 2040 review before the announcement of a unitary authority.

Whilst a plan for Somerset West and Taunton will now not progress, the earlier work is still relevant to the forthcoming Somerset Local Plan.

You can find the current Local Plan documents for the former Somerset West and Taunton Council on the adopted local plans page. These will remain part of the Development Plan until they are replaced either wholly or in part by the Somerset Local Plan.

Somerset West and Taunton Local Plan 2040 Issues and Options Document 

The first stage of the Local Plan Review 2040 was the Issues and Options document. The document looks at key issues for our area and suggests ways to address these. The issues included how to plan for:

  • the places and spaces we live and work in
  • community services
  • shops
  • transport and infrastructure
  • our wildlife and landscapes
  • the climate emergency.

The Issues and Options document was consulted upon between Monday 13 January and Monday 16 March 2020. 

You can view the full consultation responses submitted by individuals or organisations. Use the Index of responses to find the right file to view.

Topic Papers were produced alongside the Issues and Options consultation:
Topic Paper 1: Brief assessment of settlement strategy options
Topic Paper 2: Settlement boundaries 

Sustainability Appraisal 

The Sustainability Appraisal informs the Local Plan. It looks at how the Local Plan can deliver environmental, economic and social objectives. 

The Scoping Report and the Objectives and Alternatives Main Report and Appendix A and Appendix B were consulted upon at the same time as the Issues and Options document. 

Habitats Regulation Assessment 

The Habitats Regulation Assessment looks at whether the plan, alone, or in together with other plans or projects, is likely to have a significant effect on an international nature conservation sites (Special Protection Areas, Special Areas of Conservation or Ramsar sites). The Habitat Regulations Assessment was consulted upon at the same time as the Issues and Options document. 

Last reviewed: July 18, 2024 by Adam

Next review due: January 18, 2025

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