Date, Validity and Availability of this Charter
This charter was published September 2023, and will be reviewed annually. It will be updated when required following consultation through Somerset’s Bus Users and Stakeholders Group. This bus passenger charter is available online by visiting: Somerset Bus Passenger Charter
Additionally, we can make the bus passenger charter available in a range of accessible formats. Please call 0300 123 2224 to discuss your requirements.
Improving your services and funding them
We’ve made an Enhanced Partnership with all local bus operators running services within, to or from Somerset to deliver our Bus Service Improvement Plans. These plans are available below:
National Bus Strategy
Legal considerations
Statutory rights – This charter does not affect your statutory rights.
Legal relationships – This charter does not change any legal relationship between bus operator, local government, and passenger.
Links to legal rights – This charter contains links to key documents that will help you if you want to read more about your rights, such as a bus company’s conditions of carriage.
Equalities Act and inclusivity – The measures in this charter aim to improve the inclusivity of services and how they are held accountable. They will take protected characteristics (for example: age, ethnicity, disability) into account.