Holy Trinity CofE School, Taunton
Primary SchoolContact details
admin.holytrinity@acexcellence.co.uk | |
Telephone | 01823 284128 |
Website | https://www.trinityprimary.co.uk/ |
Centre information
Ofsted information
Last Ofsted rating | |
Date of last Ofsted report | |
Ofsted reference number | 144985 |
About the school
Headteacher | Lisa Eadie |
Chair of Governors | Mrs Julia Steward |
Clerk of Governors | Mrs Sandra Beamson |
Finance Manager | Mrs Lynne Marlborough |
SENCO | Miss Emma Counter |
School Councillor | Mr S Coles - Lib Dem |
Admissions policy | https://www.trinityprimary.co.uk/206/admissions |
Address | Holy Trinity C of E School, South Street, Taunton, Somerset, TA1 3AF |