(over sensitive)
Potential signsPotential impactStrategies to assist with learning
The sensation of hunger, thirst or bathroom needs can cause them to be extremely anxious. The slightest change in temperature or even hearing their own heartbeat can be extremely distracting.They may have trouble maintaining focus on a task because they are distracted by what is going on in their bodyActivities which give our body proprioceptive sensation or activities which help us to connect our physical feelings within our bodies to our emotions can be particularly helpful to start to improve interoception awareness
Frequent trips to the toilet. Mindfulness and meditation encourage children to be more aware of what is going on inside their bodies.
Extreme response when they have an accident or bump. Reluctance to engage in PE or run around at play time where heart rate increases. Yoga focuses on listening to your body and providing good vestibular and proprioceptive input, it is helpful for developing interoception.