Potential signsPotential impactStrategies to assist with learning
Frequent toilet accidents Avoidance from participation in daily activities. Mindfulness and mediation encourage children to be more aware of what is going on inside their bodies.
Do not realise they are hungry or full. Gaining or losing significant weight. Yoga focuses on listening to your body and providing good vestibular and proprioceptive input, it is helpful for developing interoception.
Do not feel they are in pain or not feeling well. Breathing techniques and exercises are helpful for calming, as well as paying attention to what is going on inside our bodies.
Alerting activities are a great way to talk about heart rate and breathing rate. How do you feel after exercising? Is your heart racing? How do your muscles feel? Are you breathing hard and fast or slow and steady?
Cues or visual prompts that encourage children to identify body functions and feelings including using Social Stories can be useful.