There will be no recycling and waste collections on bank holiday Monday 6 May. Collections will be a day later than usual all week after this bank holiday. Recycling centres will be open as usual.

Hypersensitive (over-sensitive) Touch being perceived as negative or threatening. Where the protective tactile pathway tends to override our discriminative pathway, which can lead to negative reactions
Potential signsPotential impactStrategies to assist with learning
Dislike of brushing of hair or teeth.The avoidance of messy play or being dirtyConsider ways of changing the task the child or young person need to do or environment they participate in. Remove labels from clothes. Allow CYP to choose their clothes from variety of fabrics. Allow variety of messy play activities to include wet and dry textures, consider options that do not require getting dirty, allow using tools for cooking and science activities.
Difficulty with clothing labels or textures.Label free clothing or sewing soft fabrics over labels.
Allowing some flexibility around what to wear.
Dislike of physical touching especially light touch. Avoidance of public places
Dislike of crowds. Struggling to line-up or sit in assemblyMay respond with physical aggression to light touchProprioceptive activities can help inhibit the protective pathway and aid in reducing sensitivity. Let child stand at back of line so they don't have unexpected touch from behind them, allow CYP to sit in assembly where there will be no one behind them
Dislike of wearing art apronsDifferent fabric of art apron
Dislike of wearing sports bibsDifferent fabric of bib,