There will be no recycling and waste collections on bank holiday Monday 6 May. Collections will be a day later than usual all week after this bank holiday. Recycling centres will be open as usual.

Potential signsPotential impactStrategies to assist with learning
Difficulties to differentiate which visual information is important. Avoiding areas with bright lights or a lot of visual information.Minimising visual input in the learning environment. Creating an area of the classroom with blank walls or a screen.
Struggles to find information from the classroom walls.Delayed learning of letters and numbers. Using coloured overlays for written information.
Difficulty to find word in cross word. Difficulty to complete worksheets independently.Using a clear desk policy in class.
Difficulties copying information off whiteboards in class as distracted from the over-stimulation.
Difficulty finding things in a drawer or box due to over stimulation.
Difficulty deciphering graphs and charts. Consider changing the colours of graphs to bright colours for important items and dull colours for less important items.