The Unstoppables had their first meeting of 2023 at the beginning of February! We started off with updating each other about what is new with ourselves as it is the first time, we’ve seen each other this year.

We had two visitors this month who work for the council and on Somerset’s SEND Local Offer. Alice is our Young Persons Champion for the Local Offer and she came with the Local Offer Co-Ordinator Gemma. They presented to us about what the local offer is, and how we can help them to make it more accessible for children and young people with SEND.

There were activities such as local offer giant Jenga, this is like ordinary Jenga but in this version you take a block and it had information and a hyperlink to pages on the local offer. Jenga was a big hit with the members and we are thankful for Gemma and Alice coming to see us. We look forward to working with them later in 2023.

In the afternoon we did some Icebreakers and let members choose which icebreaker activity we did. The game we played was about working out the rule/theme so when we had to say a phrase that such as: “I am going on the airplane with my shoes” as you said this you had to do an action or make a sound. The next person would say “I am going on the airplane with my shoes” and then if they had noticed what you did and then repeated that step too, you would be allowed on the plane.

Finishing the day, we discussed our 2023 priorities, these are topics we want to tackle and discuss throughout 2023. Some of our priorities were:

  • independent living,
  • exam access arrangements,
  • mental health and wellbeing,
  • developing our social media and creating an online network with other Children and Young people with SEND who may not be able to join Unstoppables.

You’ll see more about our priorities and work as the year goes on!

Our next meeting is Saturday 4th March, in Yeovil. . If you or someone you know would like to be a member of the Unstoppables then follow the link to our new form Expression of Interest to join the The Unstoppables ( 😊

Similarly, If you or a young person you know wants more information about how they can join the Unstoppables, or be part of our work they/you can contact us via email ( or via phone/What’s App (07976 809 773).

You can also follow us on social media:

Facebook @sendparticipationteam

Instagram @sendparticipation

To follow information about all youth voice activities across Somerset follow:

Facebook @SomersetYouthVoice

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About this article

February 20, 2023
