
Personalisation means thinking about education, health and care and support services in an entirely different way. This means starting with YOU the person as an individual with strengths, preferences and aspirations and putting you at the centre of the process of identifying your needs and supporting you to make choices about how and when you are supported to live your life the way you want to.

You should be at the centre of the process of identifying how best to meet your assessed needs and making choices regarding how your education, health or care outcomes are met.

A personal budget is an amount of money allocated to deliver all or some of the services and support set out in your child’s Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan, Child in Need plan, or Continuing Care and support plan. The parent or young person does not actually manage the money directly. Having a Personal Budget means that you know how much money is in the pot. A personal budget can be paid to you (or your child if they’re over 16) as direct payments to manage yourself and buy the support or service and pay for it. For example, employing people you want to support you, buying equipment or short breaks.

Enham Trust gives independent information, advice and support to assist you to be aware of different options and have good information to exercise meaningful choice and control over the education, care and support arrangements that meet your assessed eligible needs. Enham will then support you to put those arrangements in place in line with Somerset’s procedures and paperwork requirements.

Find out more about Education, Health and Care plans and choosing your own support, Childrens Social Care Direct PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments, and Personal Health Budgets.

Last updated: January 24, 2024

Next review due: July 24, 2024

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