The Council’s duties and services

The Council’s duties and services are managed by the elected councillors (known within the Council as ‘members’) through its democratic structure.

In accordance with government legislation, the Unitary Council has:

  • Appointed a Leader of Council, who has formed a single party Executive of ten members (together they take key decisions and are responsible for the day-to-day running of the Council)
  • Five cross-party Scrutiny Committees:
    • Scrutiny for Climate and Place
    • Scrutiny for Children and Families
    • Scrutiny for Adults and Health
    • Scrutiny for Communities
    • Scrutiny for Corporate and Resources
  • A Licensing and Regulatory Committee responsible for the Council’s licensing functions
  • A Strategic Planning Committee, along with four Area Planning Committees responsible for the Council’s planning and regulatory functions
  • A Health and Wellbeing Board involving representatives from several partners

The Unitary Council of 110 elected members is responsible for deciding the democratic arrangements for the Council, agreeing our policy framework and each year’s budget.

Last reviewed: July 9, 2024 by Adam

Next review due: January 9, 2025

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