IMPORTANTPayment service unavailable - We are making important improvements to our payment system, so phone and online payments are unavailable until Wednesday 4 December. Find out more about the improvements and other ways to pay during this time.


Somerset Council is committed to good customer care and aims to deliver the best service possible.

The Customer Promise is a commitment from the council to its customers. It is supported by our Customer Standards, which will be regularly monitored and reviewed.

We have carefully considered how we meet the needs of those who need us most. We are asking for your support to access our services online wherever possible to give us the capacity to meet these needs.

The Customer Promise has been developed as part of our drive to put the customer first whilst delivering affordable, efficient services that are accessible to all.

The standards set by the Customer Promise ensure that everyone is dealt with courteously, fairly, and as soon as possible.

Our commitment to you

We will treat you in the right way and:

  • Treat you politely, fairly and with respect
  • Be open and honest with you
  • Understand and deliver services specific to your needs
  • Support and enable you to access our services online wherever appropriate to do so
  • Keep your personal data secure

We will get things done and:

  • Answer your request the first time you contact us. When we can’t immediately resolve it, we will tell you clearly what will happen next, so you know what to expect
  • Ensure our services work together to get you the best possible outcome
  • Update you on progress so you know what is happening next and by when
  • Learn from your feedback and, where possible, ensure that we take action to resolve any issues

Making it easy

  • Be honest and easy to understand in all our communications with you
  • Be accessible to everyone and responsive to your needs
  • Explain clearly how you can contact us

Involving you:

  • Actively seek your views on our services
  • Listen to you and use your feedback to help us improve

Our request of you

  • Treat us and other customers politely, fairly and with respect
  • Let us know if you have specific needs
  • Tell us when something changes
  • Tell us when things go wrong so that we can put them right

Help Us Shape Your Services

We want to provide the highest quality services that meet the needs of people living and working in our county and we want you to shape these services with us.

We want to hear your opinion.

Do you:

  • Have views about how we could make our county an even better place to live and work?
  • Want to have your opinion heard?
  • Want to have an influence on how we develop and improve service?

Join our Customer Panel and tell us what you thinkfind out more about our Customer Panel

Last updated: August 29, 2023

Next review due: February 29, 2024

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