The Somerset Parent Carer Forum have created a range of fantastic workshops based on topics parents have expressed would be helpful – Workshops for Information, Support and Education (WISE).
All the workshops are delivered or co-delivered by someone with lived experience of being a parent carer. Alongside this there will be information workshops held both face to face and online.
There are several workshops taking place in March around “Helping you child through a transition” (various dates), and “What is sensory processing?” (11th March, 12.30 -14.20). Information can be found on the posters below, or on WISE Up Workshops (
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If you feel nervous about attending any of the Workshops, please give Somerset Parent Carer Forum a phone call on 07543 680 395 and they will arrange for their parent carer representative, who will be at the session, to talk to you beforehand so you will know someone. Everyone attending will be parent carers who are experiencing similar challenges.
Bookings for the workshops are being managed by Somerset Parent Carer Forum. You don’t need to a member of the forum to attend but will need to be added to their database to enable your booking details to secure.