These termly sessions are for SENCOs to support with the pre-assessment pathway. There is a theme for each session, and time for questions and answers, case discussion and updates about the pathway.
The next discussion groups taking place are on Wednesday 6 March (1-3pm) and Wednesday 12 June (1-3pm).
The event on Wednesday 6 March is split into two halves. The first is around Demand Avoidance, delivered by Charlotte Owens, Occupational Therapist and Educational Psychology Service and Autism and Communication Service. The second half will be a chance to ask questions around neurodevelopmental pathway, attended by Mary Trotman, Operational Manager Children and Young People’s Neurodevelopmental Partnership (CYPNP).
How do I book?
Sessions will be run virtually, through Microsoft Teams. SENCOs who have attended previously will be sent a link. New SENCo’s wishing to attend should register by emailing: A link will be sent out to everyone previously, or newly, registered.