Community Infrastructure Levy - Process and Forms

  1. You apply for planning permission.
  2. At the same time, or as soon as possible afterwards, if you believe the development may be CIL liable you complete and submit Form 1. If these forms are not received, the CIL Officer at the Council will contact you to request them.
  3. If your application for planning permission is approved and is deemed liable to pay CIL , we will issue your planning approval decision notice, including any planning conditions requiring your attention and a reminder to submit Form 2
  4. You complete and submit Form 2 to advise who will be liable to pay the CIL (the liable party). If no-one accepts liability it will default to the landowners.
  5. We will issue the liability notice ( CIL calculation) to the liable party. You are able to challenge this calculation. See the Appeals Process page for more information.
  6. You complete and submit any appropriate claim for CIL relief using the forms below. See the Exemptions page for more information.
  7. We will issue you with the decision on the claim for relief and a revised liability notice.
  8. You discharge all pre-commencement conditions attached to your planning approval.
  9. You complete and submit Form 6 to advise of the proposed date of commencement of the works.
  10. We will issue a demand notice for the CIL amount payable with full instructions for payment, including any instalment plan you are eligible for.
  11. You pay the CIL bill if the amount detailed in the demand notice is above 0.
  12. You submit any documents relevant to any CIL relief granted.

We will acknowledge the submission of all paperwork. If no acknowledgement is received, contact us before commencing any work on site.

The payment of CIL is mandatory and non-negotiable. If the above process is not followed or you do not pay on time you may be subject to a surcharge without further notification and any agreed instalment plan will be withdrawn.

Last updated: October 31, 2023

Next review due: May 1, 2024

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