Unauthorised works to listed buildings
Listed buildings are an irreplaceable part of our history and once damaged or lost, the connections we have with the past are weakened.
No-one may demolish any part of a listed building, extend it, or carry out any interior or exterior alterations affecting its character without first obtaining Listed Building Consent.
Unauthorised works to listed buildings will be investigated and may lead to a prosecution resulting in a criminal record, fine or prison term.
When you purchase a property, it is important to make sure that all alterations have been authorised. The liability for rectification to unauthorised alterations is passed on to the new owner.
If you are concerned that unauthorised work is being carried out at a listed building, contact our Enforcement Officer.
Failure of an owner to look after their listed building
If an owner doesn’t preserve a listed building, the local planning authority may take action to secure the building’s future. The local authority may carry out urgent works to preserve an empty listed building from getting worse. The cost of this is recovered from the owner.
The authority can also serve a ‘repairs notice’ that specifies the works necessary to preserve the building. If these works are not carried out within a reasonable timescale, the local authority may look to purchase the property.