South Somerset Local Plan 2040 Review

South Somerset District Council had made progress on their Local Plan 2020 to 2040 review before the announcement that the councils within Somerset would become a unitary authority. 

Whilst a plan for the former South Somerset District Council will now not progress, the earlier work is still relevant to the forthcoming Somerset Local Plan. You can find out more about the work that South Somerset District Council had already undertaken on the Local Plan Review below, along with supporting evidence for plan-making. New evidence will be published as it becomes available. 

The current Local Plan documents for the former South Somerset District Council can be found on the adopted local plans page and will remain part of the Development Plan until they are replaced either wholly or in part by the Somerset Local Plan.  

Preferred Options Consultation 28 June 2019 to 18 September 2019

The council prepared the Local Planning Review – Preferred Options document. Hard copies of the document were made available during normal office hours in the council offices in Yeovil or libraries across the district. 

The document set out for consultation the council’s proposed strategy for delivering new homes and employment over the period 2016 to 2036. It includes site allocations and policies against which planning applications will be assessed. 

The document reflects the latest Government Guidance in the updated National Planning Policy Framework and the evidence base produced to support the Plan process. The Local Plan Review will provide us with a refreshed policy framework that will guide and shape development in the District up to 2036. 

The consultation was designed to involve as many individuals and businesses of South Somerset as possible so that views could be collected and taken into account to help shape and evolve the next stage of the Local Plan.  

The consultation period was held from28 June 2019 to 18 September 2019. 

You can find out more in the Local Plan Review – Issues and Options document,  along with some questions and answers. 

Evidence Documents: 

Issues and Options Public Consultation 2017

The Issues and Options document sets out the issues identified by the council evidence base below and makes suggestions to address them. Please note Issues and Options Errata (corrections) 

A consultation took place between October 2017 and January 2018. View a summary of the main points in the Sustainability Appraisal (SA) of the South Somerset Local Plan Review. 

Duty to Cooperate

A Duty to Cooperate Statement has been prepared to support the Local Plan Review process, following consultation with Duty to Cooperate partners during June and July 2020. 

This is a live document and will be updated as necessary as the Local Plan Review is progressed, and Statements of Common Ground are prepared with partners. 

Duty to Cooperate Statement 

Evidence Base

Evidence base was produced to inform the production of the Local Plan 2020 to 2040 Review.  

The following evidence base is available in the evidence base page:

  • Housing
  • economic
  • landscape
  • heritage
  • tree canopy
  • infrastructure
  • strategic flood risk
  • settlement

Last reviewed: July 18, 2024 by Adam

Next review due: January 18, 2025

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