Somerset Council is committed to maintaining a clean and safe environment for the benefit of everyone in Somerset promoting fairness, economic growth and community safety.
This commitment recognises our responsibility to keep the streets and local environment safe and clear of litter obstructions and deal with other local environmental quality issues. The presence of dumped waste, litter, dog fouling, graffiti and other environmental crime detracts from the image of the area. This can have an adverse impact on inward investment as well as being a potential health and safety issue and contributing to perceptions and fear of crime.
What we can help with
- Air Quality and Pollution
- Environmental Permitting
- Smoke Nuisance and Dark Smoke - from bonfires or chimneys
- Light Pollution – from security or decorative lights
- Noise - parties, music, barking dogs, machinery, DIY, construction sites and Anti-Social Behaviour
- Odour Pollution - piles of manure, extract units, manure spreading
- Pests - associated with a commercial property
- Accumulation of Rubbish or Refuse – associated with a commercial property causing smells, flies, rats or more
- Dust – DIY, industrial processes
- Contaminated Land issues and enquiries - Contaminated Land
- Land or gardens which are untidy, unsightly or overgrown – phone our Planning Enforcement Team on 0300 123 2224
- Fly Tipping
- Abandoned Vehicles
- Accumulation of Rubbish or Refuse in a public area – phone Somerset Waste Partnership on 01823 625700
- Housing Public Health issues (including pests and accumulations) – phone our Housing Team on 0300 123 2224
What external agencies can help with
- Transport Noise (road, rail and aircraft noise), although, we may be able to give you informal advice
- Drainage (foul sewers and surface water pipes) – phone Wessex Water on 0345 600 4600
- Drainage (watercourses, land drainage pipes and pollution) – phone the Environment Agency on 03708 506 506
Use of Body Worn Cameras
Somerset Council staff that are authorised to use Body Worn Cameras have the potential to improve the quality of evidence provided by officers carrying out enforcement duties within the Somerset Council area, and therefore increase the proportion of offences brought to justice.