
As part of Somerset’s commitment to reducing exclusion, improving attendance and children receiving the right support at the right time, new guidance and resources have been developed and are shared here. We would like to thank the local school leaders for their engagement in producing this guidance.

Inclusion Somerset Offer of Support

The inclusion offer document provides a comprehensive overview of the guidance and the support offer, starting from universal whole-school approaches and moving through three steps as part of a laddered response where there are ongoing concerns regarding an individual child or young person. Page one is an overall summary with links to more information embedded throughout.

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Inclusion Somerset: Our Offer

Outlines the Inclusion Somerset Offer from universal support, targeted school based support, targeted support from external agencies and additional support.



Pastoral Support Plan

The Somerset Pastoral Support Plan provides a framework and template for responding to children and young people who present with challenging behaviour in education settings. It is a trauma-informed approach that draws on functional analysis and promotes a holistic perspective to inform evidence-based solutions.

Children at risk of exclusion checklist of expectations

The checklist of expectations draws on national government guidance, legislation and local Somerset context to clarify the duties and expectations of schools with regard to children and young people who present with challenging behaviour and are at risk of exclusion from school.

Inclusion Somerset Training offer 2023-24

This document outlines the Inclusion Somerset Training Offer for 2023-24. Please visit the Support Service for Education training page for further details or contact us at with any queries.

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Inclusion Somerset Training offer

PDF, 275 KB

Last reviewed: May 16, 2024 by Daniel

Next review due: November 16, 2024

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