
The Connect Somerset website is a good place to start finding out about what help is available that you can arrange for yourself. For example with your personal care, staying independent, keeping safe, staying physically and mentally well, or maintaining relationships that are important to you. It has lots of information about services, equipment and care providers in Somerset.

If you would like to talk to someone from Adult Social Care about your needs, visit your nearest Talking Café. Please note, you must live in Somerset and be at least 18 years old.

You can also use our quick online checker to give you an indication of whether you might be eligible for financial support with the cost of your care. This should not be considered a decision and the final outcome of your assessment may be different. But it can give you an indication to help you decide if you would like to apply.

Financial eligibility checker

This form has 1 page and will take approximately 1 minute to complete.

What the assessment includes

An assessment includes finding out:

  • what difficulties you have
  • what you think you need or would like to achieve
  • the best ways of achieving these things
  • who helps you now
  • what you can do for yourself
  • what things you cannot manage now, but with some support may be able to do in the future
  • what things you cannot manage at all
  • if you are eligible for financial support from us

If you would like to start thinking about the things we will talk about in your assessment, we use our document called What matters to me.

Sometimes, with your permission, we may ask other professionals, such as an occupational therapist, physiotherapist or district nurse, to talk to you as well. This will give a full picture of your needs and will help you make the most informed choices. If you would like us to, we will also take into account the views of your family, carers and family doctor.

At the end of your assessment

At the end of your assessment, we:

  • can provide information about organisations available locally that could help you – you can then make choices and arrange the support you need
  • can consider what equipment could help you – some we may lend you, or we can tell you how to find equipment that is available for you to buy
  • may be able to provide some short-term help to enable you to regain your independence

If you are asking for us to help you pay for any longer-term care and support that would help you, we will be able to tell you if your level of care needs meet the national eligibility criteria.

If your care needs are eligible, we will also need to talk to you about your finances. If you have more than £23,250 in savings, we will not be able to help you. If you have less than this, we will usually be able to help you pay. Using national rules, we will work out what you can afford to pay. We will then make up the difference. Please see our web page about a financial assessment which gives more information.

Sometimes you may need help that we do not provide. We will give you information about how you can arrange these services for yourself.

For things that we agree to support you with we will work out your personal budget. You can then choose how to spend your personal budget to achieve the things we have agreed in your support plan.

Care and support plan

If we agree to help pay for your care and support, your care and support plan will list the things you want to achieve – often called ‘outcomes’. It will show the things you will arrange yourself or ask someone to do for you for each outcome. It will also list any money, services or equipment we have agreed to provide for you.

We will send you a copy and, with your permission, send one to the people or organisations helping you, so they understand the help you need and what you want to achieve.

We will review your care and support plan regularly. You can ask us to review it at any time.

Review and reassessment

Someone will contact you to arrange a convenient date to talk with you and anyone who helps you, to check that what we agreed in your care and support plan is working. This is called a review.

The review must include your views and may also include the views of your family or carers. The people providing your care and support may also be included.

At the review we will agree any changes to the amount of money, support or equipment you need. We expect this to reduce as you regain your independence and have support from family and friends, but this may not be possible for everyone.

Last updated: August 23, 2024

Next review due: February 23, 2025

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