We’re excited to keep you in the loop about our upcoming series of events designed to help you understand the services provided for children and young individuals with special educational needs and/or disabilities here in Somerset.

Our events, typically hosted online, have a range of speakers and interactive sessions that cover a wide array of topics.

The programme for the autumn Local Offer Live sessions has been confirmed. Events already going ahead are below others will be added onto the Local Offer page as they are confirmed, so please look on the page for more details. Presentations from all events will be recorded.

Tuesday 3 October

  • Accelerated Progress Plan update – Following the reinspection of SEND in Somerset towards the end of 2022, Somerset has developed an Accelerated Progress Plan to address the two areas of weakness that were judged by inspectors to have made insufficient progress. This is a chance to hear from the co-chairs of the APP subgroup, what the progress plan contains, how this work is progressing and how the impact is being measured.  See more also on Somerset’s improvement journeyBook a virtual ticket.
  • Tellmi – The session will be a discussion to raise awareness of the mental health support available to young people in Somerset via Tellmi, a free, safe and anonymous peer support app. The session will also provide an opportunity to answer questions or concerns regarding the safeguarding procedures that protect young people when using Tellmi. See more also on Young people’s mental health. Book a virtual ticket.
  • Dingley’s Promise – An opportunity to hear about Somerset’s involvement with Dingley’s Promise Inclusion Training. This inclusion training programme is for Early Years practitioners across Somerset to feel more confident about their inclusive practice. This is your opportunity as parents and carers to find out more about the training, have links to the training should you wish to sign up and find out the impact it may have on your child accessing early years provision. Book a virtual ticket.
  • Somerset Dyslexia Association information session. Join the Somerset Dyslexia Association for an information session on what they do and the support they give parents.  Book a virtual ticket.

Wednesday 4 October

  • ADHD Information Session – This session will be run by Sam Sidney EP. She will cover up to date information about assessment and diagnosis of ADHD in Somerset. She will also cover available support for parents, children and young people at home and at school when waiting for a diagnosis and when they have received one. There will also be a chance to ask any questions you may have.  See more also on Autism and ADHD Pathway. Book a virtual ticket.
  • Supported Employment: Creating Better Life Outcomes – Fulfilling Potential.  Come and find out how Supported Employment can be part of your young person’s best adult life. Do they want to go out to work, earn their own money, be part of the wider community and be a valued employee?  Find out about routes into Supported Employment and the opportunities in Somerset for young people with SEND.  See more also on finding and keeping a job Book a virtual ticket.
  • Listening event: What should parent carers do if provision in an Education Health and Care Plan (EHC plan) is not being delivered?  This session will focus on Education Health and Care Plans, and what parent cares should do if provision in an EHCP is not being delivered.  We will be joined by Gemma Reeves (SEND Strategic Manager) who would like to hear about parents experiences.  Book a virtual ticket.

Thursday 5 October

  • Children and Young People’s Neurodevelopmental Pathway update – find out more about the work supporting autism and ADHD identification.  See more also on Autism and ADHD Pathway. Book a virtual ticket.
  • Travel Training and home to school transport –  This presentation will give you information about the Independent Travel Training that Somerset Council offer for all young people. Also time for open question around entitlement or school travel issues.  See more also on Independent Travel TrainingBook a virtual ticket.
  • Education Health and Care Plans (EHCP) myth busting and information session – The Somerset statutory SEND Team are joining us to run an information session on Education Health and Care Plans (EHCP) . They will be explaining the process and answering the most commonly asked questions from parents.  See more also on Education Health and Care Plans Book a virtual ticket.
  • Somerset Independent Living Centres – The SILC Service is free for people to attend through booking an appointment via Somerset Customer Services. As part of the presentation we will show at least 2 videos about centres and expectations. Our SILC’s are a key part of our prevention approach helping people to help themselves, either through us providing the equipment as part of their appointment or people purchasing items themselves to help make daily living easier.  There will be time to have your questions answered on the service..  See more also on Equipment and adaptationsBook a virtual ticket.

Friday 6 October

  • Connect Somerset information session. Somerset Council, together with the voluntary community has launched Connect Somerset. Connect Somerset support professionals and community groups working together to help families and residents to improve their lives through early help. See more on Connect SomersetBook a virtual ticket.
  • Helping parent carers understand the Graduated Response Tool.  Come and join us at an interactive event were we will work to upskill you to be able to have meaningful conversations with your child’s schools/setting about additional needs.  Within the session we will look at where to find the Somerset Graduated Response Tool, and share with you and guide you through how you can use the supporting documents to support solution focused conversations with your child or young person’s school or setting. This will enable you to work together effectively for early identification of barriers and strategies to support them to overcome them. See more also on What to expect from educationBook a virtual ticket.
  • WISE UP WORKSHOPS.  Join us for a session to introduce the new WISE UP WORKSHOP offer from Somerset Parent Carer Forum. This sessions will explain how the workshops will run and what the upcoming themes will be on. There will also be a chance to ask any questions you may have.  Book a virtual ticket.

Saturday 7 October

  • Dyslexia Information Morning – find out more about dyslexia and hands on activities to support, with Somerset Dyslexia Association, Helen Arkell Dyslexia Charity and Somerset Parent Carer Forum.  Face to face session 10:30-12:30 in Taunton Library Meeting Room, £10 per person, book tickets.


Catch up with previous sessions!

Past sessions have been informative and cover many interesting topics that you may wish to view from our previous Local Offer Live events, so please see the recording of the previous sessions on the links below:

Local Offer Live 7 – 10 March 2023 playlist  these include fire and rescue service home checks, school exclusions myths and top tips, using visuals to support your child and supported employment coordinators

Local Offer Live 10 – 15 October 2022 playlist these include how to be confident in managing meetings, Portage, home finder service and what is a collaborative outcomes meeting

Local Offer Live 2 – 7 February 2022 playlist these include understanding the benefits system, Community Inclusion and Activities Team, Education Health and Annual Review Health and Care process and public health nursing

Local Offer

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About this article

September 21, 2023

Samantha Baker